강의 정보
1. Introduction to Supersymmetry
- 내용및 참고도서 : I am going to give lectures mainly
following the Lykken's TASI lecture note (hep-th/9612114).
Sections from 1 to 5 will be covered. The usual references
are as follows:
1) Bilal's lecture note (hep-th/0101055) : Sec. 1 ∼ 6.
2) Wess & Bagger Supersymmetry and Supergravity: Chap. 1 ∼
- 강사 : 신현준 (고등과학원)
- 조교 : 이상민 (고등과학원)
2. Nonperturbative Aspects of Supersymmetric Gauge Theory
- 내용 :
1. Preliminary : Symmetry + Some basics of SUSY
2. Classical moduli space of SUSY YM theory
3. Quantum moduli space of SUSY QCD
4. Applications
- 참고도서 : hep-th/9702094, (M.E.Peskin, Duality in
Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory)
- 강사 : 최기운 (과학원)
- 조교 : 김영재 (성균관대)