Conformal algebras over linear algebraic groups

Pavel Kolesnikov


Conformal algebras and similar structures usually appear in the context of operator product expansion (OPE) [K1, GKK]. In algebra, these structures are related with vertex operator algebras (see, e.g., [FLM]) and their numerous applications.


In [BDK], a generalization of the notion of a conformal algebra was proposed in terms of pseudo-tensor categories associated with a Hopf algebra. The natural source of Hopf algebras is provided by linear algebraic groups. Hence, it is natural to expect that conformal algebras and some of their generalizations have a natural interpretation in terms of linear algebraic groups.


The purpose of this talk is to present the corresponding construction explicitly: given a linear algebraic group $G$ we build a category of $(G)$-conformal algebras. In particular, if $G$ is the affine line then $(G)$-conformal algebra is the same as conformal algebra in the sense of the definition in [K2], stated in terms of $\lambda $-product.


The main result presents a description of irreducible subalgebras of the $(G)$-conformal algebra of translation-invariant transformations of the space of vector-valued regular functions on $G$. This is a generalization of the classical Burnside theorem as well as its analogue for conformal algebras~[K].


[BDK] B.~Bakalov, A.~D'Andrea, V.G.~Kac, Theory of finite pseudoalgebras, Adv. Math. 162 (1) (2001).


[FLM] I.B.~Frenkel, J.~Lepowsky, A.~Meurman, Vertex operator algebras and the Monster, Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol.~134, Academic Press, New York, 1998.


[GKK] M.I.~Golenishcheva-Kutuzova, V.G.~Kac, $\Gamma$-conformal algebras, J. Math. Phys. 39 (1998), no. 4, 2290--2305.


[K1] V.G. Kac, Vertex algebras for beginners, University Lecture Series, vol.~10. AMS, Providence, RI, 1996.


[K2] V.G.~Kac, Formal distribution algebras and conformal algebras, XII-th International Cong\-ress in Mathematical Physics (ICMP'97) (Brisbane), International Press, Cambridge, MA, 1999, pp.~80--97.


[K] P.S.~Kolesnikov, Associative conformal algebras with finite faithful representation, Adv. Math. 202 (2006), no.~2, 602--637.